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Thames Valley Greenkeepers Fours Tournament

On the 16th July the Thames Valley Greenkeepers ran their Optional Fours Tournament at Whangamata with sixteen teams taking part.

This is their only fundraiser for the year, so entry fees and raffles helped to add to their funds. Thanks to everyone who came and participated.

They have just purchased a new Scarifier or in Bowls terms a Groomer. This machine has a set of discs which is used to cut into the soil on the turf green and break up the thatch. It is also used to open up the soil/green during refurbishment to provide a seed bed.

We played on the turf green only, and it was fast and a joy to play on before the green refurbishment started later in the week.

Clubs represented by their Greenkeepers and others, included Waihi Beach, Waihi, Tairua, Pauanui, Coromandel, Paeroa and of course Whangamata. Waihi Beach teams took out the first two places with the winners being:

Adrian McGaughay, Terry Scully, Daryl Hawkins and Devon Brooks

2nd Earle White, Jenny Loveridge and son Josh plus Garry Hewett

3rd Brian Stent, Colin Hunter, Steve Whitley and Eric Tebbutt. (From Whangamata)

All three teams. each finished the day with four wins. Well done.



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