Summer Closing Day 2023
Well, the weather was not kind to us on our closing day so we had reduced numbers turn up to play. With only 4 women we could not play for the Ede Cup which is usually Men against the Women. This is an old trophy which was played for, before the Men's and Women's clubs were combined. The rain stayed away and we had a fun afternoon.
However the Fair weather bowlers slowly turned up after 4pm and brought their yummy contributions for a Pot Luck Dinner. A great night was had by all, with prize giving for the year and a fun quiz, at least some of us thought it was fun.

Our big award for the year is the Club Captains Trophy
This year it was awarded by our Club Captains Herb Armitage and Margaret Reid, who decided that they would share the award between Cherrill Gunn who has been our Club Secretary for 2 years and Doug Scott who works quietly behind the scenes, maintaining our club assets, by cleaning, painting and repairing.
We also have an award for members who have won all four senior titles in one year and this year it was awarded to Peg Jones. Previously it has been awarded to Herb armitage in 2012 and Krissy Sara in 2021. Quite and achievement.