Soup and Something
On Wednesday, 19th July, the Ladies Group (29 in total) gathered for lunch at the Clubrooms. We can't play bowls all the time.
“Soup and Something” was the theme., organised by Cherrill Gun, assisted by JL Holyoake. The fire was blazing, and six crockpots were set on the serving table.

These were brimming with a variety of delicious soups, Hearty Vege, Pea and Ham, Thai Pumpkin, Minestrone, Carrot and Coconut Milk, Leek and Potato, made up the menu, accompanied with crusty rolls and butter.
“Have you tasted this one, its delicious”. “I'm going have another helping of a different flavour”. “Yum !!!”.

These were the comments heard amongst the ever increasing volume of chatter.
Lunch is never complete without cake and coffee. Whilst the “housekeeping” was tended to, before coffee and cake was served, JL and Philipa organised the ladies into groups to play a variety of games, Five Crowns, Scrabble and Code Names. Judging by the laughter everyone appeared to enjoy this interlude.

Coffee and Cake was served and conversation flowed.
It was a delight to see Re
gular Bowlers, Limited Playing Members, Associates and Social Members getting to know one another a little better. Special mention to Jenny Stent and Tairua Ladies for taking time to join us for lunch.
Without the wonderful “Soup Chefs” and Bakers the day would not have been possible.
A huge thank you to Cheryl Gunn, JL Holyoake, Dawn Burgess, Julie Stewart, Margaret Davidson, Chris Styles and Brenda Murcott for their culinary skills and donations of the food.
Cherrill was very pleased to inform everyone that proceeds from “Soup and Something” has been
donated to Westpac Rescue Helicopters. The total amount being $161.00.
