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First Mortgage Two Day Classic - August 2023

The weather really turned it on for our Two Day Classic. This tournament is sponsored by First Mortgage Trust and David Screech, the Investment Manager was there to hand out the prizes. We only had our Carpet Green to play on as our Grass Green has been reseeded ready for the new Summer season of bowls.

The format was Fours, Pairs A, Pairs B and Fours on the Saturday and on the Sunday it was Fours, Singles, Triples and Fours. Great Fun.

As the final match between the All Blacks and the Wallabies was on during the Saturday afternoon, someone had the bright idea of taping it and after we finished play many of us stayed behind for a sausage sizzle and to watch the game. The All Blacks didn't let us down and we all went home happy and ready for another day of bowls on the Sunday,

Another day of beautiful weather saw the finish and the handing out of the prizes.

Winners: Kel Ross, Shaun Pennell, Warren Adams and Frankie Lim from Hunua

2nd: Dave Selby, Trevor Harris, Murray Young and Alan Solly from Hunua

3rd: Stephen Hughes, Colin Hunter, Brian Stent and Steve Whitley from Whangamata

4th: Kerry Crossman, Ruth Crossman, Glenda Aitkenhead and Mike Jackson from Tairua



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